Cuda concept art.

Mother Moper really needs to get on the ball and get a 2-door hi-po car on the market. I know they have the Viper----but i'm talking about something that the every-day joe can get for around the 25-30K range that will run in the 13s at the track and looks good too. Ford has hit a home run with the new mustang, it looks new and looks old and has 300 HP. I see more and more new mustangs around, and I have to tell ya, they look great. The Cuda pics are a start but they need to get ride of the goofy looking air scoups on the 1/4 panel,and if they offerd a shaker and they the new Hemi ( I think its a 6.0 or something for the trucks.) with a five or six speed and make it 2 doors, with some old and new like ford did they would sell out.Who wouldn't buy a car like that around 25-k. thats just my .02.