That thing-a-ma-jig what-cha-ma-call-it do-dad list

Let`s see if I can dredge any up from my rapidly declining memory......

crescent wrench = farmer`s fit all

beat up car = ragged out

heavy acceleration with a diesel = pouring on the coal

anything you could not recall the name of at the moment was a "doomerhitchy" or better yet a "chromiumreversethrozzlerod"

I always liked "muffler bearings" and "blinker fluid" for people who know nothing about cars.

When I was stationed in Germany in the early `80s, I had a 1969 Ford Taunus that had a V-4 and a four on the tree.

Then, when I was stationed in Korea, I was the duty driver for the Deputy Base Commander. We had the Catusas (ROK soldiers working with the US) convinced that they had to rotate the air in the tires of all the vehicles in the motor pool. It was funny to watch these guys go out to a vehicle, deflate all the tires, and refill them with "fresh" air.....that is until I was running late one day. I got to the motor pool to find four flats on my jeep, and not a Catusa in sight! It took me twenty minutes of running back and forth with an air tank to fill all four tires and get going. The DBC was not happy that he had to wait and he threatened me with an Article 15 for failure to report! That pretty much ended the "air rotation".
