anyone else smell Bushit ?

This goes back to an old saying from Texas "Big hat, no cattle" How do you tell if someone is broke? Do they live in a big house or a small house? Do they drive Escalades or Chevy's?

All the houses I see being sold at auction are twice the size of mine, I wonder why?

People need to live within their means.


I agree. Its funny when someone is braging about what they own... they rattle off there cars, trucks, boat, bike's house, cabin...then you say, no...what do YOU own, not the bank. shuts them up pretty quick.

I just have a small 100 year old house. one bedroom, soon to be two. in a litlle debt right now because of getting married, but besides that, if I don't have the cash, I don't buy it. good way to live. don't need to keep up to the jones's

But back to my question. Is it all over USA that is haveing the morgage problems? cause I see on the news streets with for sale/forclosure signs at every house, But I don't see that if I cross the boarder. Must be down south more. I hear california is doing OK. maybe in the south East is bad...anyone?
