anyone else smell Bushit ?

I think some areas are worse than others. It would surprise me if things aren't bad in California.

Small town areas (where I live) tend to have conservative values and aren't as affected. We don't buy into arm's and interest only loans, hell, I'm from Kentucky and even I know better!

The thing that is hard for me right now is the money I have in my 401k. I'm down 20% since the first of the year... It's hard to watch the $ go down and keep sinking $ into it, but I do.

I took a 15 year mortgage on my house when I bought it and it's the only thing I owe on (almost done with it). Honestly, I'm not hurting at all right now, but there are a lot of people who are hurting because they took on too much debt. Some might say it is the lenders fault, well, that's like accusing the bartender of "over-serving", I think everyone makes their own problems (God knows I have made mine!)
