anyone else smell Bushit ?

I used to have a woman who worked with me who was fond of saying that when you point a finger at one person (party), remember that three more are pointing right back at yourself...

Lets see, things are going to hell in a handbasket now - it must be the Dems fault because they have controlled congress for the last 21 months. Prior to that the Repubs controlled both houses for 10 years! Six of those with a Repub president.

With a solid majority in both houses of congress and a president of the same party for six years, anything they wanted to accomplish could/would be done. Right now, we have exactly the kind of mess that they wanted. "Government is the problem, cut back, deregulate, on and on...". Don't give me the bullshit that this is a 100% Dem problem. Personally, I was a hell of a lot better off 8 years ago when neither party controlled the whole ball of wax.

Another favorite repub tactic is to keep us scared and divided; us vs them, U.S. vs "the rest of the world", red state vs blue state, Fox watchers and MSNBC watchers. As long as we can stay pissed off with each other and divided the easier we are to control. I believe that there are good Dems and bad Dems; good Repubs and bad Repubs. Why can't we agree on that, unite and throw out the "bad ones" in each party? I have voted for people in both parties, sometimes proudly, sometimes not.

Sorry for the rant.