The reason I couldn't load the video is the file is too large and I can't make it any smaller so next Sunday I'm going to the track for a little T-N-T everything is ready to go. Now just need to have the gas for the tow truck to get it there as gas is very scarce around here. And the lines at the gas pumps are 1-3 hours long. Heck they have people camping out at the pumps waiting for gas.

I know that I'm gonna have to do some tuning on the engine as the engine has changed a bit, by the hedders and the intake manifold. But it revs faster than it did before and sounds healthier, also too the velocity is stronger as I already had to de-jet the carb a good bit and may have to go further.
I put the tune up that it showed in the computer for the air factors that we had yesterday and the little engine responded very well. Before it spun 3-4 times before it would fire, and now if or when you hear the starter engage it's running. So I feel that now I'm as close as I can be until I get to the track. Man next week can't get here soon enough.

In the air that we have this morning it shows I should run a 1.48 60 ft. and 6.87 @ 102 @ 2876 ft. corrected altitude and 67* 30.12 pressure, but if the air is like what we had 2 weeks ago it would run a 1.53 60 ft. and 7.00 @ 100 mph @ 4833 ft. corrected altitude, so we'll wait and see what it does and how good the track is. I'll post either way on whatever it does. Lets hope for a good cool air day and low humidity. Then I can turn the spicket open and let'er rip.