Stolen Rig And Race Car!!

Well heres my input; 0 tolerance 4 **** like this, should be and could be elimanated quik if make examples of a few ***@oles, shoot to kill to protect ur property/family with no repercutions and if they[shitheaps] live, put in hard labor camps minimum 10 yrs. plus restitution with interests and congical visits from big bubba nightly[ and a couple of his freinds] or a little vigilante justice would suffice, snag the offender and go back to their nest and make sure u get them all and all their sh#t and see how they like it. Been there and know how it feels to have stuff stolen and little or no clue as to who or where its at and the police?right like they really give a crap,[not sayin all police but majority] the helpless,hopless major pissed off wanta hurt someone feeling sets in and turns to major anger can turn agood mild mannered man into a stark raving ramboVl lets get em monster, hope u get ur stuff back,probability slim to none but hope 4 the best expect the worst, and ins co. they suck 2,