I saw the new "Charger" yesterday....

There are people that are just as bad with their comments on the Omni\Charger and the cordoba/Charger... Even some 69's had a /6

I would say... at least from my point of view... it's more of a disapointment then anything. They tease us allong with that 99 concept... and yes, it had 2 doors as well, but it was excepted because it had stype, it had lines, it had some eye candy. That Magnum Sedan they tacked a Charger name plate has nothing. ... hell. the Omni \ Charger, with it's little turbo 2.2 option ,was a snotty little car. The Cordoba with "Corinthian Leather" ;) was a tank, and it is also not genually excepted as well.

I can't speak for the mass's. I speak for myself when I say. I'm extreamly Disapointed. Not only with the car, but with the comments made by it's designer as well. Mr Trevor Creed. Ford Mustangs are selling like hotcakes. hell, the new Zeta <SP> Body for the GTO for 2007, They announce the comback of the Camaro and will also re introduce the Chevelle <all rumor of course>

And what did Ma Mopar give us? Something grand ma would be proud of.

one more thing, Those Ausie A-Body Chargers are sweet!