Kinda lost it while driving today (dumb).

While I'm usually pretty relaxed when I'm driving, every once in a long while I get pissed. If somebody is driving slow in front of me I get up on their bumper a couple of times, seeing the big Ram 4x4 in their rear view mirror usually gives them a good hint that they should either get moving or get out of the way.

What really pisses me off is how people drive when I'm towing the Duster on the trailer. I've had people sit next to me looking at the car while I'm trying to get into their lane to make a turn, then they get bent when I make a move to get over. Or there's the idiots who cut in front of me and proceed to slow down. A big truck, trailer and a car on the trailer can't stop all that quick, I've had a couple of close calls locking up all the brakes.