I saw the new "Charger" yesterday....

Armchair Quarterbacking is easy....

Those "crummy Chargers" of the 80s saved Dodges @$$...My dad had an '86 Shelby and that thing was sweet....Remember, the only things faster in '86 were the Corvette and the GLHS Omni (which was quicker than the 'vette).

Also, the 197x "coke bottle" chargers were the best selling of ALL the RWD Chargers...not the 68-70 as everyone likes to believe.

As for the new ones....It's a nice car... I like it..If I was looking for a 4 door, I would buy it, or a Magnum....The SRT version just has a menacing look to it...and is supposedly going to be the QUICKEST charger ever built......2 doors or 4, it is going to perform VERY well....Face it, if they named it a Coronet, or Belvedere, it just wouldn't have the marketing draw. They don't care about us die-hard old schoolers, they want to sell to the public........