I saw the new "Charger" yesterday....

Wow, great conversation..... I'm enjoying this.

I know that the 68-70's didn't sell well at all. I never pretended that they did. Going back to my "Disappointed” stance on the Charger. It's just hard for me to swallow the whole "They know what the public wants" .... It's a lot more obvious that FORD knew what the public wants. Those Mustangs are flying out the show rooms, There is a base model, GT, Shelby <Coming out> and already a TON of aftermarket performance parts for them including a Turbo setup that put's the thing over 410hp <if I read correctly. But going back to the Charger.

There is no disputing the 80's Chargers. I wouldn't insult myself to defend them. As I started. I liked the Omni \ Charger. It was fast. ... But it did get the same reaction. As did the Cordoba \ Charger..... Both are both accepted now.... It may take time with this.... but it was the Bait and Switch that I think left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth <everyone being the old Charger enthusiast>

Show us the 99 Concept = Bait
Sell the Magnum Sedan = Switch

Am I saying it's a Bad car.... no. But I will still pick on the Name them choose. If anything. It's exceeded my expectations on one thing....... great Mopar Conversation.

Side note: On all the boards I’m on with Mopar. You guys have had the most Civil and well thought out conversation about this. God I love this board :thumbup: