Kinda lost it while driving today (dumb).

technically someone talking on their phone could be charged with "driving with undue care and attention" but are they? no

Technically, it's driving "without" due care and attention. Undue care would be a good thing:-D.

I've had more than my share of "incidents" with idiot drivers. Even as recently as last week. Dumb broad can see me coming but still blows through a rural stop sign to get ahead of me, who is doing about 60mph or so on the highway, causing me to either 1) slam on my brakes, or 2) pass her illegally in the oncoming left hand turn lane. Well, I have a healthy small block, or a single pot master cylinder, so mopower to ya. Pass away. Then she proceeded to ride my *** all the way to town as if I did something wrong :angry7:.

Some people just shouldn't be given licenses.