Garage Workbench Dimensions

Lol! Yeah, I need the first 6 to unclog my brain from the everyday BS.

I'm about 5'11 so not tall but not short. Average height I guess. This will mostly be automotive/metal work so a tranny would need to fit without hanging over the edge. It will fit in the corner and extend roughly 8 to 10 feet in either direction.

well i made mine my self . im 5'5'' so i made one side about 4 and a half for standing and a pice bigenuff to fit my trany on desk hight so i can sit and work , carbs and ect . too . i made the siting spot with a 200 pound spining top too st make it easy to get to all sides of what ever i am doing , and it is all metal so i can use my weilder where ever i need to on it with onlu needing to hook the ground to the leg of the bench.

good luck!!