Andrew Jackson had it right.

"Maybe you should run for office and do a better job. thanks!"

No, Dyno Dave, I don't have the right temperament to be a public official. Sometimes I can't hide my disrespect for the public's stupidity, but an elected official always has to be respectful to his constituency, even when they are wrong.

BTW, Andrew Jackson did get rid of the National Bank for awhile, by vetoing the bill which would have renewed its charter in 1830, I think it was. But the Bank lived on, and basically outmaneuvered him, by getting its charter renewed sometime later. I forget when. (Wikipedia has the whole story.)

The head of the National Bank was a guy named Andrew Biddle, and he and Jackson went eyeball-to-eyeball for years over whether the bank should continue to exist or not. But it's extremely hard to permanently get rid of an entrenched bureaucracy like that, and there is disagreement among the historians with respect to whether or not getting rid of the National Bank temporarily, as Jackson did, helped or hurt the laboring classes and farmers.