Sons SRT-4 totaled !

Bad day yesterday for my wife and I as parents. To make a long story short my 17 year old Tim and his friend were coming home from the beach (Ocean City) early Wednsday morning as they had to both get to work that day. On RT 50 near 404 a deer ran out in front of his SRT-4 and he swirved to miss it and ran off the shoulder and hit the guardrail. It did not do to much damage but it pushed the fender into the tire and he could not drive it. It was 3.30 AM and he called us and my wife got the phone. I asked if the car was off the road and they said yes. Well this is about 60 miles from my house. I said to hang on as I was on my way so they said they will wait in the car as its to far to walk anywhere in the pitch black. The wife and I were out the door in 10 minutes and rolling down the road. As we were crossing the Chesapeak bay bridge which is about 45 miles they called again and said a truck had hit them while they were parked and my wife was in a panic. I was allready running 75 mph and I pushed the Caravan to 80. We got there at 5 AM and it was 4 police cars and 3 ambulances. The guy in the tractor trailer stopped after he hit the car with them in it and told the trooper he had drifted off the road and then swirved back on the road but his trailer jack nifed some and hit Tims car. Its a mess as it looks totaled. Tim was with the paramedics as they told us not to move him because he said his neck and head hurt and he was in shock !! It hit his side and he had fallen asleep in the car while waiting. His freind was more coherent and said after the truck hit him Tim was in shock and not moving so he pulled him out the pass door. They flew tim by helocopter to the Trauma center in Salisbary Md because they thought he had head or kneck injury. Bottom line was he checked out OK and was released around 10 AM. His friend was also checked at the hospital and released. All I can tell you is I dont give a damn about the car but I love my kids and I pray I never get a scare like that again ! I thank god they are both ok and the truck driver was very upset about it as I know he did not mean for it to happen. His SRT-4 is history but he lives and I am so glad someone up there was watching out for him. He is very sore but he will be fine. Ron