Sons SRT-4 totaled !

I am very happy for you and that your son and friend are both all right. I'm sure he is very sore now, if he feels anymore pain then what the docs told you he would have make sure he goes to the hospital for more tests (I know you know that but if he is anything like me you will have to pry it out of him).

Gave my parents a scare like that one day. I was in a Sentra a fullsize 85 chevy silverado 2500 went of center and hit me head on, we were both traveling around 50 mph. A friend of mine did some math with veh. weights and speed etc. and said it was an equivolent of me getting shot out of an cannon straight into a brick wall at like 70+mph. Anyway, I happened to be sent to the regular ER instead of trauma and waited over 3.5 hrs just to get the stiches I needed got fed up and left. Next day had to go back to the hospital found out I had 3 fractured vertabrae in my lower back, suffered a concussion, and dislocated my patella( or whatever that is called). Long story short he could have injuries that were not first detected better safe than sorry.