Need "Full" Floors 73 Duster

oldcarnut - Tulsa, OK can't imagine what the shipping would be $$$. Maybe we could work something out, I'd be willing to drive down and drill out all the factory spot welds to save you the effort (and possibly a bit of $$ for me) and bring back in the bed of the truck? Let me know what you want for the floor, or if the car is tow-able (if not I could rent or borrow a trailer) and you'd like to get rid of the whole car let me know what you want for it. Send me some pictures of the car and some close ups of the floors. PM me on price and we'll see if we can figure something out.

70dart - that's exactly what I'm looking for, but on mine the rear seat riser (what's not shown on your picture) is also rotted so I'm hopeful to find a good donor car. You really hooked up with a good guy to do all that work to get the whole floor out so nicely for you - great find. As for Goodmark, YearOne and Paddock Panels and the like, I've looked at them all - new would be ideal but they only offer partial pans, with the rear seat risers and toe boards gone on mine a donor seems the best route. You know the deal, "we're not trying to restore the more popular MoPar cars, Dusters just aren't as popular as the Cuda` & Challengers are, except to guys like us".

Keep it commin guys, thanks.