windshield install ...

First start by having some competent help. Then tape the windshield gasket into the opening after applying a bead of sealant to the lip that the windshield gasket lays in.

Then we laid the bottom of the glass into the channel of the gasket. GENTLY pull the rubber over the edge of the glass with a PLASTIC trim tool.

SLOWLY work your way up the sides evenly. In the picture below you can see the gasket half way over the glass just below my left hand. The key here is to WORK SLOWLY and PAY ATTENTION.

Here you can see what it looks like once you get the sides in. Now you just CAREFULLY slide that plastic trim tool (or a plastic butter knife or scraper...) under the edge of the rubber and roll it over.

Once you get all the rubber over the face of the windshiled CAREFULLY slap the glass in a downward motion to seat it into the channel. DON'T go after it like a maniac... medium-pressure slaps will drop it into the rubber gasket. You'll see it move... Then your done.

Just make sure you have all the windshiled trim clips installed BEFORE you install the gasket & glass!

This was the first one I did and it took me & my Buddy Tom about an hour, including stopping to photograph and double-check our work. Make sure you apply a bead of sealant to the edge of the glass too so once everything is in it'll be water-tight. Go slowly and you should be OK... Good luck!