360 Pan and Gasket Question

I've been having nothing but trouble trying to figure this out, and everyone you talk to says something different. :angry7:

#1-First off, does the "MP Oil Pan Package (P5249059) 360 Center Sump" clear the 4" crank in a 408? (That part # might be dated, lol...I'm talking about the MP package mancini has on clearance).
I get mixed feedback from people and dealers alike.
Similarly some say they run the Milodon stock replacement pan, but the specs for it say it won't clear??

#2-Secondly, this is very frustrating. Around this time last year through early 2008 there was a SCE part number for a 360 oil pan gasket; yes specific to the LA family. I promise I'm not the only one to claim this...It disappeared between then and when I was trying to order. I have never found the part number again. I've seen several threads across the net that suggest summit misadvertised the gasket or something to that effect...Similar stuff here:


What I want to know is if anyone has the part number or knows where to get one? Does it really exist? Any chance the SCE Magnum 1 piece gasket would work in place of it?

I was so excited when I saw the 1 piece gasket for the LA SB I shot out e-mails to friends...It is times like these you regret deleting your sent msgs :(

Thanks in advance for any help...And sorry for rambling, it's late and I haven't really slept much the last couple of days :toothy10: