
There are too many great guitarists to choose from!!!!:toothy10: Let's see.... Hendrix, SRV, Buddy Guy...shoot, this is just recently started listening to Wes Montgomery and George Van Eps. Django Rheinhardt...all three Kings. Ok, onto the fun stuff!
I currently have a 2000 MIM standard Strat that I modded with a Seymour Duncan vintage single coil in the neck, lace sensor hot gold in the middle, and Dimarzio superdistortion at the bridge. I also have a 2004 american deluxe strat with suhr single coils in all three positions. I just picked up a few weeks ago a circa 1990 Guild Starfire4. I have a '69 possibly a '68 silverface bassman head with a 4x12 cab (which I want to get rid of if you're interested :evil2:) and '65 deluxe reverb reissue and a small 10 watt peavey practice amp. Oh yeah, I just bought a tweed princeton amp kit from Weber. It should arrive in a few weeks. At that point we will see just how good my soldering skills are...I recently sold a '57 twin reissue in order to get the deluxe reverb. I have various vox wah, marshall bluesbreaker II, and a couple fuzz face clones I built. I think that's it at the moment.
I like playing rock and blues of course. I have just recently become obsessed with jazz so I'm starting to learn and play jazz also. I totally agree that guitars/amps/accessories cost way too much and should be free to the guitarists like us that are obsessed!!!!:-D