
You guys will probably cut me off for life, but I am a bluegrass picker. I have played rock, irish, blues, and just about every other style of music through the years, but for some reason, I really dig bluegrass music. Right now I play a 1937 Chech upright bass, and I have a whole host of insturments as well, a vintage Les Paul, a couple acoustics, a couple electric basses, and a couple of accordians too. Did I say I also like zydeco?? All of the guitarists mentioned so far are awesome, but check out Tony Rice, he is the undisputed master of flattop picking. He is simply amazing on the thing, as well as a host of other bluegrass guitarists. To me bluegrass is pure music and the pickers are second to none. There is no amp or effects to help you along the way, just pure sound from you and your guitar or whatever you are picking. I'm gonna trade all my stuff for a sweet Martin, to me the best sounding guitar made. Rock on, friends, and oh yea, Mopars rock too. Geof