30 Years With My First A-Body

It just dawned on me; I just celebrated 30 years of glorious A-Body ownership on Thursday. I bought my Rallye Red, 4-speed, '70 Duster 340 exactly 30 years ago. It has survived two continents, high school, college, a stint in the Air Force, two marriages, a truckload of street racing (somehow the original block survived it all) and a whole bunch of other stuff with me. I could have ended up a phord guy (my dad was mostly an "Anti-GM" guy - but really like the blue ovals...) if that incredible little A-Bomb hadn't appeared out of nowhere and rocked my world!

Kinda makes me want to sideline some of my other current projects and get the old girl back on the road...I'll have to work on that...

Just thought that I'd share...
