tips for spraying primer

Hey guys,

im just about ready to spray my car in high build primer (rolled it on twice already but for some reason i got alot of solvent pop...i think it could be the cold weather here right now in Canada) but just wanted to know any tips you guys may have....the car will be totally blocked in 255, and im going to need atleast 2-3 good coats to cover all the pitting from the solvent pop.

how much primer would i need to do the whole car this many times? what psi should i be spraying at? how much drying time in between coats (this will be painted in either my garage or a school shop in cold weather)? what grit can i block with after spraying the primer, keeping in mind the grit i finished with and the fact that its high build primer?

If you guys could answer these questions or have any other tips or things that are important that you can think of, please drop a line8)
