tips for spraying primer

Do you have any wd-40 in the painting room and or something that has been sprayed with or on lately,:-k I would sand or block any areas that need attention and
scuff it down and prep whip the car down to get any foreign material that
could be present and do everything OldVart has said about waiting and not
jumping pack on it with another primer coat to soon.:thumbrig:
Heck Some times I scuff between coats if it calls for it.=P~

Keep the help coming PopaVart.:rock:

I was spaying a 58 ranchero and I was in the second coat of red enamel
And the wives opened the door and said good bye and you should have been there :tongue9:There perfume came in while the exhaust fans was going and you could see
little bubbles just on the rear passenger bed side where the door the girls opened. .:angry7:

Prep whip solvent and a tack rag is good to have and well worth the small amount needed.

Keep us updated And hope all goes well.:thumbrig: