
2shelbys - holy crap something we actually agree on - Marshall amplification.

Won't bore you with who I like, my tastes are more toward the punk rock side of things.

Heres my junk. '79 LP Standard, (my pride and joy - I will NEVER get rid of it) '83 JCM 800 MKII 100 W Lead, M.V., '03 LP Melody maker w/P90, (killer guitar) '83 Fender Champ II 18W, (Rivera designed), '70's vintage MXR EQ, '80s ProCo Rat and MXR re-issue Dist. +
That and cars my friend. Nice stuff. I was thinking about picking up a Melody Maker myself. Great little guitars. I would prefer a vintage one but man, the new ones are below $400. A new Gibson for under $400! Wow.