tips for spraying primer

Matthew, I am by no means an expert and my knowledge is based on taking a body work course and reading. My concern and I hope someone that knows a lot more than me will jump in and correct me if i am wrong.

You have a window of opportunity for applying consecutive coats of paint, too soon and it runs and two long and you trap solvents. When you wait beyond the window you have to give the first coat a much longer time to completely cure then scuff the surface for a second coat.

My concern was that you used a roller which would put down a much heavier coat and the fact that you got solvent popping through the second coat you may still have solvent trapped in the first coat. Over time that solvent will get out but as it does the remaining paint in the first coat will shrink. This will cause crazing in the coats above and/or cause the coats above to lift.