soda blasting

I used a friends commercial soda blaster, and he commercial sand and soda blasts. I too do a lot of sand blasting at our shop. His soda set up is a bit different than sand, it needs a better regulator so the soda is proportioned just right, and also need a good air dryer/cooler. I did it my self and just did the painted areas, ie used sand on underside. It took me about 10 hrs to every nook and cranny, and about 300lbs of soda media. Granted I was a bit annal and may have over did it a bit. It really worked great whole shell was completely bald. It does leave a alkaline film on the surface and it will protect it from rusting unlike sand blasted areas. So before and priming we used a light acid wash to neutralize the alkaline film and them cleaned it again.


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