
My kids surprised me with this little plastic guitar on my fiftieth birthday. My reaction was "what the h... is this?" The other box had a second guitar and a DVD in it. Have you ever heard of Guitar Heroes?

Well I hadn't. Everyone that knows me knows how I love music from the 50s, 60s, and 70s (my generation). I've always wanted to play a guitar. You guys that play have my respect. It really takes time and a commitment to learn to play. Maybe one day when life slows down.

In the meantime, my smarty-pants kids thought they could give dear old dad a present for # 50 and take it to college with them. WRONG! Dear old dad can kick their butt and any of their friends on that silly plastic guitar. I can really jam in my BVDs. I embarass my wife. I'll never grow up.

That`s funny ! I`ve tried to play Rush`s YYZ on Guitars Heroes and did miserably yet I can play it note for note on a guitar. Go figure?