Chrysler to Close Factory, Cut Jobs

They have been working there way to this for ten years , they want all there operations to go to south america thats why they lobied the hardest in canada for the end of the canadian auto pact that guaranteed any company selling cars in canada had to build em here or at least a significant percentage of them , amd you thought that meant more american jobs ? not why pay UAW rates when they can build and assemble whole so called sub assemblies for pennies on the dollar ? Windsor ontario was the origional home of the mini van and chrysler had the top production plants in the world there now they work on alternating shifts the big van plant closed 8 years ago ,1 year after they put in that fancy computor controlled paint line that they used to show in commercials spraying a little girls doodles on the side of cars coming down the line - they put that in to con the canadian government into believing they were going to keep building product after the auto pact wasn't renewed then the next year bye bye suckers -awhole cities economy is in the crapper , Ford did the same thing in Windsor and now there is no 351 windsor plant or windsor casting or windsor powertain just1 plant and three shifts of workers taking turns working 1 week each while using up there unemployment insurance for the other 2 weeks , unless we force both our governments to force these companies to build in the markets they want to sell in the north american auto industry is dead and gone we're just flogging an already dead horse cause corporate greed is corporate greed and you can kiss the middle class goodbye:munky2: