Chrysler to Close Factory, Cut Jobs

Sort of the same thing here in Bosie Idaho. Micron is laying off 40% of the production people on Monday and the days for memory fab as a whole are numbered. The Chinese gov't subsidized so many fabs that not one memory maker in the world is profitable because of over capacity. HP has/is laying off at their printer fab...just a shadow of what it was only a few years ago.

The manufacturing sector as a whole is in a bunch of trouble. With so much work done outside the borders; an economic recovery is going to be much more difficult than in the past. It used to be the gov't would spend a ton of money on infrastructure (or the recent checks they sent out). That money would trickle back from retailers to the manufacturers; then the workers spent money and around it would go. Now, a great portion of the money from any economic stimulus will end up off shore, the trickle down theory is almost as dead as the man, Ronald Reagan, how really pushed it.