
I have been thru two myself. The first one was very bad because my ex turned my stepdaughter against me with lies, that really hurt. I will get to see her this Christmas for the first time in over 15 yrs.
Never say anything bad about your ex in front of the child, kids are real smart and will figure out who the real parent is. Spend as much time with the child as you can and as stated above try not to talk to the ex, they just wait to start an argument in front of the child to make you look bad.
Give yourself time to grieve but don't drag it on and on.
I have found that when God takes something from us it's in our best interest and he will replace it with something better.
We are all here for you so pm me and vent if you need to, I'll give you my number if you need to talk.
PS My 2nd divorce was a Godsend, I actually felt bad that I didn't feel bad!!!