
Well Fellas now you have touched on the other insane passion in my life - actually I run into alot of musicians who are car nuts its gotta be in the DNA somewhere - Wow what my wife puts up with - she will be up for sainthood one day. Ive been playing since I was 10 or so and enloy all kinds of stuff - Ive played bass in several bands and guitar in several also.
My guitars: G&L George Fullerton Legacy
Agile LP Goldtop Copy
Ernie Ball SUB Bass
Tacoma Acoustic
The G&L is my primary and the Agile is a inexpensive backup which - for the money - is a super nice copy. As you can see by the pictures Im still in a band and play pretty regularly - I always wanted a basement in witch people could just come over and Jam so at any given time this is what my basement looks like. My primary amp is the Mesa Subway blues reverb (light but POWERFUL) that is sitting on my base amp an awesome OLD Crate amp and my backup is the marshall. I like all Kinds of music and we play all kinds from Skynard to social Distorsion to Smithereens to johnny cash to originals too. Next year during Carslile Ill set up a gig if any of you rockers want to come out and play!! My stage is your stage!! But be ready for a little madness - and a DAMN good time.

Nice Set up you have. I have the same little snot amp I love it!