Custom plate ideas for a Scamp?

cerberus .....

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the mythical three-headed dog. For other uses, see Cerberus (disambiguation).

Cerberus, is the name given to the entity which, in Greek and Roman mythology, is a multi-headed dog which guards the gates of Hades, to prevent those who have crossed the river Styx from ever escaping. Cerberus featured in many prominent works of ancient Greek and Roman literature and in works of both ancient and modern art and architecture. As with most creatures from classicial mythology, the depiction and background surrounding Cerberus often differed across various works by different authors of the era, the most notable difference being his number of heads; while most sources describe or depict three heads, others show him with two, a lesser number show a variable amount, sometimes as high as 50.

here's a link to the liscence bureau website where you can check if your plate choice is available.!ut...s/7_0_252/_s.7_0_A/7_0_252/_l/en?docid=053272