
Thanks 2shelbys, I'm really happy with it. I have been playing the same old acoustic I have had for the past 25 years. An old Hohner given to me as payment for a $35.00 phone bill. I figured it was time to buy just the guitar I would keep for the rest of my life, and pass down to my son. He's only 4 but he's already pickin like a pro. Heck, he made $8.00 playing at the Wheatland music festival this past september. Thats huge money for a kid of 4 and has convinced him that a guitar player is what he wants to be. Maybe someday he'll invite me onstage to pick a song with him, if he doesn't forget dear old dad, LOL!!! Gotta go, Marty's callin!!! Geof

There needs to be more dads like you in world my man!

iv ben thinking about buyin ga dobro
i want to play the blues lol

Do you know some good blues song names so I can look them up and find the tabs?