It's time to start thinking about another project.

As the wife of Rays340, I think you should build her the car you have in the garage. If she enjoy's your hobby with you, get her involved in the project. I worked on my car with Ray and truly enjoyed it. I don't know that he would say that, but I did. I am very independant and I liked learning how to do certain things for myself. I even degreed the cam in my car. (Some of his car buddies haven't done this, so you can understand MY enjoyment).:-D

If your serious about building a car for her, let her help you decide. I am sure you can "help" her down the path you want to take the project.

I realize that this idea might not occur or be favored by some guys. But the car will mean much more to her in the end, because she will get to "build it" with you.

Just a wife's 2 cents.