advise on title swap U.S to Canada

I don't know, You either imported this back in 1980 when ther was different rules, or else you were just really lucky.

If you go to the rules on the importing and exporting vehicles, it clearly says that you must fax the bill of sale, and copie of title, ahead of time ( 72 hours) NO EXCEPTIONS.

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Univers,Zurich BT][SIZE=+1]Vehicles Over 15 years old (except buses)[/SIZE][/FONT]
  • [FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Univers,Zurich BT][SIZE=-1]
  • All vehicles (except buses) that are over 15 years or older by the date of manufacture are exempt from the Registrar of Imported Vehicles program. You must be able to prove the age of the vehicle to a Customs officer[/SIZE][/FONT]
That is straight from the Registrar of Imported Vehicles website

pettyblu, I would contact an "official" official, or a bureaucratic dum bass if you ask me, but they should, should being the key word, give you a solid answer on the title issue, but I am 100% sure of the 15yr deal.