Day from hell

I went out to start the Duster after a 2 week vacation (jersey shore) and got nothing. Knowing its a Mopar I first changed the Ballast resisitor. Nothing. I then changed the voltage regulator. Nothing. Then the starter. When I rehooked up the batery the car tried to start. Wires touching. After changing my underwear from the scare of the car starting with the keys on the dashboard I got the car running. After taking around the block once and it bogging down under hard acceleration, I figured that since I am already sweating and greasy I should tune the carb since I have been putting it off. I attempted several times at adjusting it and could not find a "happy spot". My son returned from his grandparents house and asked to throw the football for a few minutes. Deciding thta this was a good time for a break I gladly went. Upon returning to the car it again would not start, so i jumped the started seloniod and the car started ( ordered a new one from yearone over night). With the car running again I tried to adjust the carb only to realize that I fouled all the plugs. Remind me again why I love this car. A trip to the parts store during the day is now in order to get new plugs, cap, rotor and wires. So how was everyones elses day.

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