We could all use a laugh today

Hey Leanna, cute joke but speaking of bathroom mirrors and admiring oneself I got one for ya. (this might be an old one but can't remember)

One morning the husband and his wife are both in the bathroom, it's a large one, with the husband shaving and the wife doing her hair. The husband glances over and sees his wife lifting and squeezing her boobies and can't resist so he asks her what she's up to. His wife says that she's wondering how she would look with larger breasts and says "dear what do you think, are they fine the way they are or should I maybe get a larger pair but surgery is so expensive". Now if most men were asked this they would realize that this is one of those questions that could be a trap and would run screaming into the night but not this guy. He answers, why yes dear a larger pair might be a good idea but you don't have to have surgery to get the results. The wife looks at him and say please explain. The husband says, well what you do is every morning you ball up a good amount of toilet paper and rub the ball between the twins and after a year you should notice them getting bigger. The wife looks at him kind of weird like and says, that would be cheaper but do you really think it would work. The husband replies, Yup dear I'm sure it'll work after all it's worked on your ***.
