
Update on my oldest.

I hope this does not bring you down, but she is getting married to this nucklehead at the end of this month.

I don't even want to participate because he's such an azzhole.

Neither one of them will listen to reason from anybody and they keep telling people not to judge them.
My pastor say's that the wayward man's way of justifying what he knows is wrong by telling everyone not to judge them.

Seems her fiance is getting into drugs and has brought my daughter into it with him.

I hope he remembers what I said to him in my driveway the night he walked up on me and I put him in a headlock and started twisting his neck sideways, and let him go right before it went POP!

I have a feeling I may be reminding him of that day soon, and I'm praying for some reason their wedding gets called off and my pastor is too.

So many people from my family and from church that have known my Wife and I and our kids are really suprized at the way she is acting and also suprized at the way her boyfriend is acting especially since he's supposed to be this great, young Christian man.
My Wife is also tired of having people come up to her in church to tell her how excited they are my daughter is getting married.
She say's "I'm tired of saying everything is fine."

I had to make them leave my property the other night because the daughter was running her mouth at my Wife because my Wife told her that her world is crumbling down on her because of bad decisions and that she squandered everything we did for her to get her ready to hit the world far more equipped than most kids her age with 10-k in savings, perfect credit, enrolled in college and a good job.

She threw it all away within 2 months, all of it.

Her boyfriend was stoned, and lucky for him, did not open his big mouth otherwise I have have put his nose on the other side of his face.

Other than that guys, the rest of the kids are doing fine and are just as ticked off as the Wife and I.

Sorry for the gloom and doom, I just wanted to give you an idea and quite possibly prepare you for what you may have to deal with some day as all parents do regardless.

I think genetics has alot to do with how she is acting because her sisters said she is acting exactly like their scum bag birth mother acted.

Nice huh?..... keep us in your thoughts.