Help With The Right Cam Selection

I would stay away from Hughes cams.I know of many Hughes cams that went flat.I personally had 2 go flat on me.My second cam was even installed by Dave Hughes himself.I have used many cams over the years and have only have had trouble with Hughes garbage.Dave says his cams are the only real MOPAR cams out there.Well who in the hell is Mopar Performance??Mopar Performance don't make real Mopar cams??Ask anyone who works for Mopar Performance about Hughes cams and they will laugh in your face.Don't get me wrong Dave is a smart guy.But besides his cams I know of more than a handfull of his engines that have gone bad in the last few years.I even live less than 10 miles from Dave Hughes and I stopped using his services and parts about 8 years ago.Myself I use Comp Cams now and have had no trouble with them.They work really well.They also have a great tech. line as well.