Hey Bud, let him know. On my end my son spent loads of time working with me on my Darts and Dart Sport. Goes back to when he was about eight. I was putting a new intake/exhaust gasket on the 72 slant Dart. It was outside with limited light in a gravel/grass area. It was getting late and I wanted to get done but could not find one intake nut. I dug in the box and found a spare and tightened it down, hooked everything up and fired the beast only to find the missing nut went into the motor trashing a cylinder and the head. MY MISTAKE was not asking my innocent son if he messed with the nuts FIRST. When asked he told me he found one on the ground and stuck it in one of the square holes on the side of the engine because he thought it would get dark and I would not be able to find it and get mad so he thought he was helping me. I think I handled it right because he is grown now and he has taken over my Dart Sport and drives it daily and does all the work on it himself. My lack of communication cost me a motor. My wisdom saved a relationship with my son. Any advice good or bad will not hurt and only bring you closer with your kid in the end. Its all how you handle it!!