Would you treat a customer this way?...

The only stupid questions are the ones that don't get asked. And a person can only try to answer those that are asked. Whether or not you think the question is stupid, if it's asked, somebody, in all likelyhood, is truly needing an answer or they wouldn't have asked it in the first place.

I spend a lot of my day answering questions via emails, phone calls, and in person in our showroom. I sometimes really don't have time to "size a person up" to determine whether or not he will be a paying customer as that's not my job. My job is to answer questions and provide service to those who request it irregardless of whether they spend money or not. Just because they might not spend anything today certainly doesn't mean they won't buy from you in the future.

You wouldn't believe just how many people I speak with who tell me that there are a lot of other vendors out there who don't seem to give a crap about even trying to answer their questions about products or services a business might offer and that's why they're calling me. I try to help them if I can and if I can't, I come right out and say so, so that they can then determine what's going to be best for them.

Lord knows I'm not perfect, but I do try. And sometimes even I drop the ball, it happens. And sometimes, I get dumped on pretty hard as well. Moral of the story is this......you can't please all of the people all of the time, but you can please as many as you can the best you can, that's all anybody can do.

I hope the original poster finds the parts he needs, and I hope whomever is on the other end of this can come to understand that any question asked is a valid question that deserves a thoughtful answer.