
WOW 6pkmopar, thats a wealth of information. Thanks for taking the time to post all that. Thats gonna help a lot of pickers out there in FABO land. Back when I was a teenager, before dinosaurs roamed the earth, I had the opprotunity to learn a little guitar from a friend who played. One thing he instilled in me was the need to learn to play the entire song, whatever song it was that you wanted to play. That means the words and everything. It goes a long way when someone around the campfire asks you to play a song and you play the whole thing through. You don't have to be note perfect on every song, but if you know the entire song, you then become an entertainer. I know a lot of good pickers, and my pet peeve is when they ask you for your guitar to show off their chops, then proceed to play the heck out of something right up to the time the words start, then they stop because they don't know the entire song. Flashy picking and incredible chops are good, but if you don't know the entire song, IMO you can't entertain the crowd. Learn your chords, scales and fingering patterns, then hit one song you really know by heart in your mind, and work on it start to finish. Then another and another... you get the picture. You can come to my campfire jams anytime you want, I try to have them once a month!!! In the summertime that is!!!! Geof