Bye Bye Big Three?

Unions have their purpose but they also hurt. Seniority rules, I'll be loosing my job in less than a year. I do my share of work but I see guys with 35+ years do NOTHING... 0% work. They walk around and ***** about the company, talk about their cars, or what they did over the weekend and I'm the one doing the work.

Well doesn't that part right there just grab your horns? Why should anyone be non productive and get any pay what so ever? Fire the lazy #@!%#@!%!!!!.
Oh, you can't because the union has stopped the rights of the company to decide what is best for the health of the said it right in your post. Unions have their place, but if it weren't for the employer in the first place, there is no need for the union. And to back up for a second, if it weren't for the consumer of the companies' get the pic.

oh and consumer PERCEPTION is reality...there's some marketing crap to chew on.