Would you treat a customer this way?...

I got my reply from carburetors and more, and it went something like this...

"You are blindly defending Rude non-customers. We never refused to rebuild his carb, we just refused to give him technical advise, which is both illegal and bad business. We have had this policy since 1956 and will continue this policy.We also do not sell any carburetor parts period, it states so on our website. Keep up the free advertizing. We have had the best business days since you started your boycott. Many real customers are writing and agreeing with us and buying carburetors and sending in their carburetors for rebuilds. Keep up the good work!!! Start telling the truth, though!! Thanks, Chuck"

So there you have it, unless I read Chris' (oops, I mean Swift) request wrong and Chuck's response to it wrong also, it sounds like 2 different stories to me. I don't blame Chris for not dealing with them if Chuck's response to him was printed word for word. I would never send anything to a company that can't take the time to address a potential customer in a kind and courteous manner. And by the way everybody, don't bother calling the Mopar Performance tech line, the technical information police have shut them down. Technical information is not only illegal, it's bad business!!! And don't look for any technical articles in any of the hundreds of magazines you might be receiving, they are next!!! And don't even think about asking your buddies or your mechanic how they would do something, you wouldn't want them to end up in jail for your ignorance would you??? Just let the technical stuff up to the pro's, buck down and take your medicine, and stick with what you know, like pumping gas. Oh, you don't know how to do that either, well, don't ask Habib, he'll get sent home if he tells you how!!! Keep on keepin' on everybody, and disregard all my other posts, I don't want to go up the river if you took any of my advise!!! Geof