Bye Bye Big Three?

I love my new SRT 6spd. Nice car for todays standards, I runs low 4's 0-60, top end is in the 175 180mph range and I get 25mpg. So at least some good cars are still being made.

And I like the looks. Also I do not think you can get anything in this price range that can handle or stop like this car.

Anyway I do not know what the solutions are, everyone blames everyone. They build cars people want, the Government has had to much hand as has the unions, but if not for the unions then the folks work for less benifits etc like a non union shop, then some union people are lazy, not most.

Perception sucks, people think imports are great, how can you ay 50k for a freaking Hyndai and 70-80k for BMWs etc when you can get real cars. But then again even the EPA has seperate standrards for US cars on gas milelage, emissions etc.

it is all a joke and just flat sad to see this in this state. It is really going to slam the economy even worse. My daughter works for a senator and the special session went very late last night, and the lOOSER Harry Plastic man Reed did not even allow a vote. So just blame Bush and call it a day. Buis as usuall for the do nothing congress.

They all sux! :bootysha:

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