Teenage irony at expense of my truck.

You did the right thing Spaz.
As far as discipline and kids go, I can say this from my experience: I went through a divorce when my daughter was 7 and my son was 2, got full custody of both kids, kept the house and the race car. Just got rid of the ex-wife (and got her to pay me child support). Anyway, I raised both kids with the philosophy of letting them know the rules and that there would be punishment if the rules were broken, and then backing it up consistently. My kids are now 32 and 27 and both of them thank me for the way they were raised. They both say they thought it was, of course, unfair when they were kids, but they knew I'd be fair and consistent and they could trust what I said because I always backed it up.
Too many parents today want to be their kids 'friends' rather than their parents. It's great to have fun with your kids, but it's even better to have them thank you when they're grown.