Teenage irony at expense of my truck.


Not proud of this but it's my story. I was smoking pot, getting drunk and got a girl pregnant at the age of 15/16 yrs old. Got my first DUI at the age of 16. I had excellent parents that did not drink or drug what so ever. NEVER! They told me of drugs,alcohol, and condoms,the type people you hang with, etc.... I messed up every where that could be messed up!

Its like when young people are 13-18 the cotton goes in the ears rather than in the mouth!

I had my moments as a teen as well, and I think it makes me a better parent because of it.
I know what signs to look out for and my kids are always amazed at my uncanny ability to see things before they happen and read people at my very first impression of them.
It ticks my kids off because I have honed my skills for fifteen years dealing with my Wife's criminal sister and her criminal aquaintences so I can smell bullcrap from miles away.
I like to call it my "Distant early warning" system LOL.

My Kids don't understand why I will not let certain "friends" come over of let them "hang out", nope sorry, my kids don't "hang out" and I do not invite trouble into my castle.

My Mother in law had the hardest time with my sister in law by trying to be her daughters friend and she would never take my avice by not letting her Daughter bring ANY of her "friends" into her home.
Needless to say, now that her Dauighter is spending 15 years in prison, she now admits she should have used the tough love method.