Any pics of Victoria's new home?

Hey memike, nice garage!!! Those things are awesome. I have 4 of them that I set up at the music festivals that I work at over the summer. Two of them together make up our jam tent, and I use one of them for our common/kitchen area, and one for the handicap hospitality area. I have often thought about using them for an outdoor work station at my house since I don't have a garage yet, but I can't get up the energy to get them out and set them up!! Yours is really sweet with those vents in the top and the zip down side door. Nice to see Vicki all snuggled in for the winter, and is that her first beer in the new garage in the picture. I got a feeling that's going to be the new man-cave around your place!!! LOL!!! Nice job, enjoy the "garage". Geof