Hello to everyone! I am the youngest son of LM23P9B. That also makes me younger brother to tt16v. I am a newly wed! to my beautiful wife Jessica :heart: ! As my name indicates I have a duster..... that has been on fire. In 1998 I got a 72 duster, nothing special, 318 auto, crappy tape deck. I had the car for probably two months and decided to get a CD player in it. I took it to a well known car stereo place, and had them install a CD player. That was on a friday night, I didnt drive it much on saturday, took it for a drive on sunday for maybe a half hour, then on monday morning on my way to work the dash caught on fire! I pulled off into someones driveway, they saw me and came out. We put the fire out and I went to work. Later that night my dad, a friend, and I towed the car to mom and dads. I was told by the fire inspector that my car wasnt important enough to look at. Its been 7 years now. I want to fix it back up to cruise, also a track visit now and then. Thanks for reading my story.